For the past few months, I've been doing some online work to make some extra money for us. Basically, I came upon an opportunity that lets me do as much or as little of this work when I have free time. This comes in handy because we came upon a bunch of unforseen hospital bills due to conceiving and losing a baby (touched on here. I'll go more in depth about that as we get more visitors).
Now Maria knows that this extra money has helped us out a ton since I started doing this extra work. She also knows that it can be incredibly tedious so I really have to show discipline to get a lot of it done. I suppose she was in the Christmas spirit last weekend, because when talking about our future finances, she made me an offer I couldn't refuse...
Basically, every time I get a particular amount of this work done, she agreed to give me a Happy Ending (NSFW). Her idea, not mine. Our sex life is pretty good so I'm not starving in that department, but I'd be lying if I said that it it hasn't motivated me so far. It's been going for two days and so far, so good. She's delivered, no questions asked.
Here's the kicker... She's finishing a degree right now and we just got word that her financial aid for this semester fell through. Meaning if provisions aren't made, I may have to go into overdrive with this side work, meaning she might have bit off more than she can chew with this deal (HOPEFULLY there's no biting or chewing).
But hey, I'm no monster. When I got out of the shower this morning I told her that I'm not going to always want it, and if I keep attacking this work like a mad man, she might get lockjaw. I told her a massage or something to ease my tension will be just as good in these situations. Besides, I don't want intimacy with my wife to turn into a part-time job. I'm hoping we find a way to make this thing fun for both of us and not just practice for her. I'm all for trying something new and different, so maybe we can throw something in the mix.
I like to think of this arrangement as the wife being in my corner giving me motivation between rounds so I make it through all 12. How will this work out? I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, check out this post on one of my favorite message boards, - Sex as marital currency. I'd like to think this isn't our situation, but I'd be interested to read your thoughts.
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