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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Maria: The Life. The Legend.

At least that's what I call myself when I'm alone lol...ahem...SO, do you ever find it hard to talk about yourself? Like, describing your best traits to a complete stranger in point five seconds? Well luckily it'll take longer for you to read this post.

My name is Maria. I just turned 24. (It's awesome so far, thanks for asking) I enjoy writing but unlike Jarrett, I cannot sit at the computer endlessly, but I will make an effort to support that dying breed called marriage.

Coming from a single parent home, I found the idea of marriage to be a bit frightening. I didn't have an example to look to anywhere in my family and couldn't imagine what being a wife called for. Well, I don't claim to be a veteran of the trade, far from it, but I can say that it's not so mysterious. I've come to realize that if you truly love and care for someone's general well being everything sort of falls where it should. Sure there is work involved in finding what each others roles are but patience and consideration has gotten the job done for us-or should I say is helping to smooth out the kinks. (like lost pregnancies, depression, independent woman syndrome, and other fun things that can ruin a relationship ;) )

Life is worth all the love and laughter you can muster. It's even better when you have your best friend to help you laugh at yourself.


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